Oct 25 2024 12 mins 2
In today’s episode I am sharing my client Danielle’s amazing transformation. Being a single mom like myself, all I wanted for her was to make her life easier by getting rid of her pain. When we met, she was having chronic hip pain, tingling and numbness in her neck and shoulders, and was always uncomfortable. She did weekly chiro, massage, yoga..she felt like she had tried everything. Once we started working on correcting her imbalances, her hip pain was GONE IN 4 WEEKS! After 12 weeks of working with me, she has NO PAIN AT ALL and feels like a person again. <3 Tune in to hear her story now.
Stay Strong,
Additional Resources:
Lift for Longevity Application: https://forms.gle/dSNPtjYM7KHeqcu87
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