There is nothing more powerful that we can do, than knowing our own selves. When we know ourselves, we know how our past affects our present, and forms our vision for the future, and we are so much more empowered!
-Lonely and isolated, she entered into the profession feeling unsure of what she was doing. Belonging and acceptance was the core, as well as building community. That commitment continued in coaching, as a leader, and now as a facilitator of learning spaces. It is one continuous thread as a result of my experiences as a kid.
-I value that commitment to creating community as well as belonging and a sense of acceptance.
-I work from a way, the actions take help to build to reflect and the connection or community.
-I am aware of the fundamental need for psychological and social safety and connection.
-My commitment and vision in my work is to help people thrive. The core needs are belonging and connection.
-I have created a community in my life. Classroom community is everything. Feeling valued is everything.
-Knowing and Doing Gap - We know we want this but not sure how to make this a reality.
-Arise Book- Tell people exactly how to say this and what we do. We need granular instruction.
-We are humans, we get activated, we have emotions. My work comes in when we have to get very specific with people. Try this, say this, do that, shift these beliefs, explore this way of being that you may be acting from.
-Transformational Coaching Rubric: The rubric and model differs from traditional models as it is way more holistic. It encomapasses what it means to be a full range of what it means to be human working in schools both personally and professionally. The new rubric reflects the expansiveness of the model. It is intended to be a guide to cultivate their own growth and development. The rubric names what is most important.
-Cultivate your own responsiveness within the model.
-Emotional Intelligence?- Explore your why!
-Window of presence - indicators of emotional intelligence.
-How do we bring our past into our presence?
-How do we schedule ourselves? Physical movement between coaching sessions.
-Build trust and relationships as a coach.
-Resistance is fear.
-Empathy and compassion - activate
-Be appreciative and curious - build resilience!
-With resistance- build resilience and your perception of others. Let's find a place in ourse;lves where we feel compassionate!
-Let's be human with each other…
-What is possible? We can have conversations.. We can have real connections…
-Resistant vs. showing up defensively, because they are afraid.
-Let’s get curious. Empathy. Humility. Curiosity. Be Open.
-Cultivate awareness of yourself. Say things like “Am I getting this right? Can you help me to understand? I am appreciative of that!
-Strategies of resisting trust - always at stake- true honesty and courage. Repair trust
-Cultivate awareness of yourself, be compassionate and aware!
-Naming can be powerful.
-Be appreciative, curious and most importantly listening.
-Build resilience when the well seems low !- Let's start with your perceptions of others. Recognize resistance is fear and can we find a place in ourselves that is compassionate? Feelings of fear are the worst!
-Can we be human with each other?
-We need educational transactions, where there are partners and curiosity and compassionate.Let’s reflect on how we interact with one another. Let’s consider these possibilities
-What’s possible here and who cares? Who do I partner with? What is possible?
-Learning Library consists of skill sessions.
-Connect with Elena:
Twitter: @brightmorningtm
Podcast: BrightMorningPodcast