Jan 22 2019 48 mins 6
Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
Get ready to learn a LOT from this episode. Ryan, a.k.a the man behind the incredible Instagram account @livevitae, is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to all things nutrition, cold therapy, blue light, sleep cycles and mindset. His view on health is so refreshing and I particularly love the part of this episode when we talk about how the most important source of data when it comes to your health isn't the latest evidence based study; it's you, your body, and how YOU feel. If something works for you, like drinking celery juice for example...then go on and do it! We also discuss one of my favourite subjects; cold water therapy and our circadian rhythm and how we can support this in a world that bombards us 24/7 with artificial blue light. LiveVitae means live life, and that is what Ryan does in a way that's 100% unique to him.