Hello and welcome to STATE OF MIND. I’m Grace Kingswell, I’m a Nutritional Therapist and Lifestyle Medicine Advocate and this is my series all about health, mental wellbeing, state of mind, the environment, creating sustainable practices and finding true connection with yourself, those around you and with nature.
Caroline Deisler is a model turned Instagrammer and she’s been a passionate Vegan for 4 years and was vegetarian before that. The reason I wanted to get Caroline on the podcast is because being a trainee nutritionist myself and a passionate foodie, I am fascinated by what people eat. By most people’s standards Caroline’s lifestyle and her food choices are very extreme, although the more and more she talks about it the more normal it feels. As you’ll hear in this episode Caroline is basically a Fruitarian although she does deviate from her fruity faves at dinnertime when she cooks a big veggie meal.
I was keen to know how she sustains this type of lifestyle, not only for herself but for those around her; how does it work alongside her non-vegan fiancée or when she’s travelling and socialising? There are all things we cover in this episode along with some more less-talked about topics like colonic irrigation and cryo therapy.
I found out what STATE OF MIND means to Caroline, but what does it mean to you?