Jan 28 2024 57 mins 5
The party’s trade caravan arrives in Tyr, a city only recently freed from the tyranny of its Sorcerer-King.
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The show is also available in video format at https://www.youtube.com/@elevenfootpole3446
Our Dark Sun series is based on the “Rime of the Dark Sun” series from PhD&D. BE READY FOR MAJOR SPOILERS if you decide to check out the series here https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE6C7c-UgJSU5ailAgr5IZIidQpilvFR4&si=LVS6GkZIg5HasGme And definitely subscribe to PhD&D while you are there.
Eleven Foot Pole is an actual-play adventure produced by the Murfreesboro Murder Hobo Old-School Gaming association.