Remember the good old days of role-playing, when every party carried a ten foot pole, you assumed every chest was a mimic, and the finale of every campaign was an apocalyptic battle against a demon prince at the gates of the Abyss? Well those days are back! On this podcast, we don’t waste our time with cookie cutter scenarios, ho-hum campaign settings, or NPCs asking you to kill the rats in their cellar. No! Each episode is 100% old-school high adventure, with monsters spawned in a nightmare, traps straight out of Grimtooth’s, and chaos portals that could hurl you into a thousand insane worlds. This is Mighty Deeds! Mighty Deeds is a podcast of high adventure. Whether you like Dungeon Crawl Classics, Dungeons and Dragons, or any brand of old school actual play podcasts, give Mighty Deeds a try. Dungeon Crawl Classics, DCC, OSR, Old School Roleplay, Actual Play Original music by: Original artwork by: