Episode 189: Recovery Toolbox: Living in your time zone

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Aug 01 2024 23 mins  

Hey, friends! Welcome back to another episode of the Worth Recovery Podcast. I’m Amy, your host, and I’m a sex/love/relationship addict. I’ve been sober since December 2nd, 2012, and I’m excited to share a tool with you today.

Building Your Recovery Toolbox

In recovery, having a toolbox filled with various tools is essential, especially when dealing with relationships, love, and sex. We need a variety of tools for different reasons. Some are preventative, helping us stay in a good mental space, while others help us regulate ourselves when we're feeling activated. Sometimes, we use tools to bring ourselves back to the present and feel grounded.

Our toolboxes are unique to us because what works for me might not work for you. For instance, I love writing and music, while others might prefer different methods. Today, I want to introduce a tool that has been incredibly helpful for me when I feel anxious—something I call the Time Zone Activity.

When I get anxious, I feel locked up, like the gears in my brain stop working. The goal of this activity is to help me become present, let go of what I can't control, and find flexibility and action in my thinking. Anxiety often makes our thoughts rigid, limiting our perceived options. This activity helps me see that there are always more choices available.

How to Use the Time Zone Activity

You can do this activity with me right now, even if you’re not feeling anxious, because practicing when we’re calm helps us build new neural pathways. Grab a piece of paper and divide it into three columns: Past Time Zone, Current Time Zone, and Future Time Zone. Write down your current time at the top of the middle column and add the phrase, “Be where your feet are.”

Now, think about what’s causing your anxiety and sort these thoughts into the appropriate time zones. It’s common for most of our anxieties to be tied to past or future concerns. Once you have everything listed, the next step is to determine what actions you can take in the present to address these concerns.

Look at your past time zone list and identify what you need to forgive, let go, or take action on in the current time zone. Similarly, examine the future time zone list and consider what steps you can take now to help alleviate these future anxieties.

Once you have a list of actionable items, choose a few things you can do right now to help you stay grounded and move forward. My goal is to complete at least five things, which helps me feel calm and flexible. Sometimes it takes an hour, but I realized that time would pass anyway, whether I spent it worrying or taking action.

Remember, not every tool works for everyone, but trying different ones can help you build a toolbox that suits you. I hope you find this Time Zone Activity helpful. If you give it a try or adapt it, I’d love to hear about your experience. You can email me at [email protected] or leave a comment on the episode.

For additional resources, you can check out this article on grounding techniques that might also be helpful in managing anxiety.

Lastly, always remember that no matter where you are on your recovery journey, you are worth it. You’re worth the effort, time, and work. I believe in you, and until you believe it yourself, you can rely on my belief in you. I think about you, I pray for you, and I love you.

Live in your time zone today.

Until next time,
