What Are The Benefits of Walking

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Sep 26 2022 9 mins  

Have you ever been in a funk and made the smart decision to take a walk? If so, you already know the immediate benefits walking has on your state of mind. So what are the benefits of walking in reference to your physical and mental health?

After you find out, you'll want to walk every day for a happy mood boost.

For those who are unable to walk, try to sit by a window and move your arms. Doing whatever movement you can do; preferably outside.

Listen, if you can walk, be grateful and do it as much as you can. Walking is something I once took for granted. That is until we issued a walking challenge in one of my groups. During the step challenge I became aware of my privilege. I can walk.

In this group one dear member mentioned that she was proud to have been able to take a few steps that day (she is paralyzed in her left leg with extended injuries throughout her body from a motorcycle accident).  That is when I realized how I had been taking my ability to walk for granted.

I am so thankful that I am able to walk when and where I want to. I enjoy nature walks with my children.

There are so many benefits a simple daily walk for physical activity. All you need is a good pair of walking shoes and you'll be on your way to better overall health.

Weight Loss with Walking

Any form of exercise can help you maintain a healthy weight and improve energy levels. However, walking is a form of exercise you can do at any fitness level.

According to studies pedometer-based walking programs result in a modest amount of weight loss. (1) Tracking steps and recording calories can help you achieve better results. Read more about what tracking apps work best here.

Try to increase your walking pace to help you reach your weight loss goals. Brisk walking is best for weight loss, but any amount of walking is clearly better than none. The American Heart Association (AHA) categorizes brisk walking at a pace of 2.5 miles per hour as a moderate-intensity aerobic activity.

A University of Tennessee Study showed that women who walked had lower body fat than non-walkers. Just 30 minutes per day can improve cardio, strengthen bones and boost muscles. More muscle means more fat burning and can lead to lower body weight over time.

The Mayo Clinic suggests if you add 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine, you could burn about 150 more calories a day.

Quick Tip: Don't add weights when walking. They increase your risk of injury and slow you down so you end up burning fewer calories. Instead, try using walking poles. This incorporates your upper body into your walk, which does burn more calories. Poles also make you more stable when walking. Win-win!

I use Black Diamond trekking poles, as they were recommended to me by several people in my hiking group. They also help me walk faster on pavement. Although, I can't use them when I walk the dog!

Health Benefits of Walking

Walking isn’t just for burning fat. It helps move your lymphatic system. This type of movement helps the lymph flow more effectively and could potentially help prevent infections and other diseases, like cancer.

A daily walk gets your blood pumping and can therefore lower your risk for heart disease and blood clots.