Oct 26 2023 37 mins
In this episode, we dive deep into the world of Proteus Motion and their revolutionary device, Proteus. Our guest, Will Waterman, the VP of Proteus Motion, sheds light on the company's history and its ambitious goals. Proteus, unlike traditional free weights, offers a new type of resistance called 3D resistance that mirrors movement in all directions. This groundbreaking technology allows Proteus to accurately measure velocity, power, acceleration, and other essential metrics in three planes of movement.
Will explains how Proteus can rapidly assess athletes across various movements in under 5 minutes, providing valuable data on their strengths and weaknesses. With this information, customized training recommendations can be generated, benefiting both sports performance and rehabilitation facilities. What sets Proteus apart is its ability to provide high muscle activation compared to other equipment, enhancing the effectiveness of workouts.
During the discussion, we explored the potential uses of Proteus in rehab situations. For example, the device's unique resistance can safely de-load movements for runners recovering from knee pain. This innovative approach not only aids in the recovery process but also helps prevent further injuries. Looking towards the future, Proteus aims to integrate testing and training into a more holistic approach through automated programs based on assessments. This exciting prospect could guide users through a fully customized routine both on and off the Proteus device.
Reach out to Proteus:
Via Website: https://proteusmotion.com/