Biggest Lessons of 2020, Health Trackers and Standing Up for Beliefs

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Dec 27 2020 34 mins   1
Now there could be 1,000,001 things that I could have put for lessons learned in 2020, but none of them would have been the biggest lessons of 2020. I had really missed podcasting and sharing health in this manner with you and so decided that it was time to bring it back and I am currently figuring out how to prioritize podcasting in my life to be able to bring at minimum weekly episodes out. In the meantime here is a quick rundown of what all I covered in this episode:

Don't hate on 2020

You probably won't look back in 20 years and say to yourself "Wow, I wish I would just lose a year of my life." No growth comes from hardship, so be better for it.

Don't eat to close to bedtime

"Healthy" refined carbs still suck

Health trackers are a great starting place (I used Whoop and Oura)

They still can't replace learning/feeling/knowing yourself

Stand up for what you believe in

"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." -Winston Churchill

Don't live in fear

Educate yourself: how to be healthy, vaccines, media, etc.

Vitamin D3, zinc, selenium, IV vitamin C, peptides, nebulized hydrogen peroxide

Move more throughout the day

You can fix everything into your life you want...if you prioritize

What I missed and or love





Sharing health (podcast, coaching, bodywork, living it)

Please check it out and let me know about your lessons that you learned in 2020 as well. We are all on this rock together so let's make it a better place together too! 2021 is certainly going to be a blast and I hope that you are looking forward to it. Set yourself up for a great year now by making sure that you love and live each day to the fullest.