Apr 18 2024 2 mins 2
Many years ago, I worked in middle management at a large bank. One Christmas, my manager gave me a lovely red leather bound Day-Timer with my initials engraved on it.
My first thought was, “What a lovely gift.” My second thought was “Wait, is he insinuating I’m not organized?” But, in truth, I think it was just meant as a lovely gift.

As I put the Day-Timer pages together in the binder and started using it, I was blown away by the level of thought that had been put into the system.
Not only were there places for my appointments and to-do lists, but also sections to record expenses, meeting notes, client notes, and even goal setting.
Here, in a binder no bigger than a hardcover book, was a tool that transformed my work and my life.

But that was only the beginning…
Energized by this new level of thinking, I became obsessed with learning about time management. I read every time management book I could lay my hands on, listened to productivity audio training during my daily commute, explored the common productivity systems, and implemented them for my own work.
Because I was in management, I started passing on what I had learned, providing training for my teams.
Eventually, I became self-employed in the marketing field. But, after years of teaching digital marketing, I wanted a change. I had always kept learning to master time management for myself and I taught it to my marketing clients, but I decided to pivot and embrace teaching productivity and time management full-time.
So the concept of “Captain Time” emerged from the chaos. When I tested the name and branding, my clients and colleagues loved it, and “Captain Time” was born.
The time hat came later, but that is another story…
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