Huddle #59 – Chat with former Hollywood talent agent assistant turned physical preparation coach Tom Legath

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Dec 01 2023 41 mins   1

After graduating from college with a double major in Film and Anthropology, Tom left his home state of Pennsylvania to fulfill a dream of living and working in Los Angeles. Before he knew it he was living the dream, just like Kid Rock’s Tennessee Mountain Top’ song…

Palm trees and beautiful hips

Man it doesn’t get any better than this

…until he wasn’t.

Just like the character in Kid Rock’s song, he wanted to different outcome than the life and the person he was becoming, so he did what many do post the advent of the ‘personal trainer’ – he switched career paths from Hollywood to the gym!

His love of training had started many years earlier. As with many teenage males in the US, Tom loved playing sport and also took up strength training in the basement of his family home, using his dads weight training equipment and programs from magazines such as Muscle & Fitness and books by Arnold Schwarzenegger

To get started as a PT Tom started out with a big chain gym and a short certification course. A few years later he progressed to being a partner in a small personal training studio.

He had a nagging feeling that there had to be a better way to provide his services and create a balanced life. This search led him to KSI. His first up-close and personal exposure was at a seminar in Santa Monica in about 2010 with Coach Ian King.

In 2015 Tom decided to up his game with KSI and was accepted into the mid-level of the KSI Coaching Program. Some 8 years later, Tom is in the ‘final straight’, having recently qualified at Level 9. He is tangibly close to graduating from the KSI Coaching Program and receiving the holistic rewards that come along with this level of advancement.

In this chat with Tom Legath, who recently achieved Level 9 within the KSI Coaching Program, shares his journey and lessons about life, Hollywood and physical preparation.