Is complaining holding you back from your full potential? In this episode, Dan Sullivan and Shannon Waller discuss the surprisingly simple choice between complaining and creating when facing obstacles. Discover how shifting to a creative mindset, embracing courage, and taking full responsibility can unlock new capabilities and exponential growth.
Here’s some of what you’ll learn in this episode:
- How complaining allows you to avoid responsibility by justifying why you can't move forward.
- The Strategic Coach® thinking tool for transforming obstacles into capability and confidence.
- Why you need commitment and courage before you can gain capability and confidence.
- The kinds of people that give creativity a bad name.
Show Notes:
An obstacle feels like something is blocking your progress.
There are only two ways of dealing with obstacles: creating or complaining.
When you’re in creativity mode, you’re fully engaged with transforming or bypassing the obstacle.
To deal with an obstacle, you have to create something new.
Taking 100% responsibility is essential for creative problem-solving.
Complaining involves blaming external circumstances or people.
Committing fully to complaining offers a sense of freedom because you’ve absolved yourself of any responsibility for improving your situation.
Few people are entirely creative or entirely complainers. Most are a mix of both.
Creativity requires courage; complaining does not.
Creators are more likely to be honest with themselves.
You attract what you are: complainers attract complainers, and creators attract creators.
The 4 C’s Formula by Dan Sullivan