60 min Yin Yoga for Unconditional Love | Yoga with Melissa 532

Jun 28 2020 84 mins   2
Yin Yoga for Unconditional Love Are you ready for an unconditional love fest? This 60 minute yin yoga class will guide you through a journey of yin yoga complete with poetry and quotes to inspire the innate unconditional love within you. We will pull and pressurize the tissues of the heart meridian which run along the inside of your arms and the center of your torso throughout this class. Expect heart openers like supported fish pose, melting heart pose, and also seal or sphinx. However I will also include some twists to prepare us for these gentle backbends and to help us release from these gentle backbends including broken wing pose and reclined twist pose. We will bookend our practice with supported fish pose. We will also reflect on the principles of yin from the perspective of unconditional love. I will offer support and lots of choice for placing your attention during the five minute holds. Thank you for joining me for this yin yoga class for unconditional love, may it be of benefit to all beings. Poetry by Antionio Machado, George Elliot Clarke and Robert Bly