Luce's Story

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May 24 2020 25 mins   23

Helen meets the London author, Luce Brett, who became incontinent after the birth of her first son. Luce talks about dealing with the shock and embarrassment of urinary incontinence and prolapse at the age of 30. She shares her journey through physio and surgery, her thoughts on turning the stigma on its head...and measuring wee in a takeaway cup.

'Stigma can't bear it, if you name it'.

Luce's book 'PMSL: Or How I Literally Pissed Myself Laughing and Survived the Last Taboo to Tell the Tale' is available on pre-order here and released on June 25, 2020.

Half of women over 50 have pelvic organ prolapse
One in three women over the age of 25 have symptoms of prolapse or incontinence

Instagram: @whymumsdontjump