Dec 31 2024 39 mins
Hey everyone, today I’m joined by Mandi Ellefson
Mandi is the founder of Hands-Off CEO and creator of the Scale to Freedom system.
She specializes in helping agency CEOs scale their businesses while stepping back from day-to-day operations. Mandi has helped agencies increase profits, attract higher-paying clients, and free up valuable time for CEOs, all through her proven framework.
If you’re feeling stuck in your business and want to scale without burning out, this episode is for you.
In this episode, we discuss:
- How to scale your agency while stepping away from daily operations
- Why offering outcomes is critical for growth
- How to command higher fees for the same work
- And more...
You can learn more about Mandi on LinkedIn or visit Hands-Off CEO.
Hiring in the agency world is rough. Most job posting sites get you lots of applicants, but with their “easy applying” options, most of those are unqualified. And worse, they don’t understand what it’s like working at an agency.
This is why I created the Agency Job Hub. You can post your positions for free to find applicants looking specifically for agency work, and we already have a growing list of candidates who’ll be notified as soon as you post.
You can list your open positions for free at
Our friends at Parakeeto have a powerful resource that dives into everything you need to know about agency profitability.
This is a must-have for agency owners and operators.
Get the Agency Profit Toolkit for free now!
Subscribe to the Agency Forward blog on Substack.
We have weekly blog content with practical advice to help you advance your agency.
Want to level up your agency? Get the Dynamic Offers Email Mini-Course
Explore the 5 of the most common challenges agencies face in today's market.
We're talking about the challenges that lead to no prospects, no recurring revenue, and nothing for people to buy from you.
It's worth reading just for the ideas alone.
5 emails. 5 challenges. 5 strategies to fix them.
Get it at
And if you're ready for 1-on-1 help to create some mind-blowing offers for your agency, visit to schedule a free consultation. Running an agency is tough, but you don't need to go it alone.