Nov 08 2022 33 mins
- Lyndsay Bahn, yogi, mother, energy worker, human behaviorist, trauma healing facilitator, coach and channeler of healing energy, has accumulated over 22,000 hours of teaching experience and over 30,000 hours of training and personal practice in the last 16 years (and counting).
- Owner and lead instructor at the Yoga Shala Carrboro, she is a dedicated yoga practitioner and student of classical yoga.
- She first found yoga in 1994 at the age of 12 and eventually began her journey on the 8-Limbed path of Classical/Raja yoga in 2006.
- Lyndsay's studies, asana teachings at the Yoga Shala and her heart have blossomed from yoga philosophy taught in the Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads.
YAMA – Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows.
NIYAMA – Positive duties or observances.
ASANA – Posture.
PRANAYAMA – Breathing Techniques.
PRATYAHARA – Sense withdrawal.
DHARANA – Focused Concentration.
DHYANA – Meditative Absorption.
SAMADHI – Bliss or Enlightenment.
Find out more at Yoga Shaia Carrborro
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