Apr 25 2023 14 mins 4
The Blood Flow Restriction Podcast is brought to you by SAGA - a world leader in innovative BFR technology.
Download The Comprehensive Guide to BFR Training for free here: BFR Ebook
This episode serves as part 3 of an in-depth 4-part series on the potential cognitive benefits to BFR training. Much of the information discussed in this series is pulled from a 2021 hypothesis paper by Yamada et al. (Acute exercise and cognition: A review with testable questions for future research into cognitive enhancement with blood flow restriction).
In this episode, we review 3 of the potential mechanisms by which BFR could favorably impact cognition.
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Maintained exercise-enhanced brain executive function related to cerebral lactate metabolism in men
The acute angiogenic signaling response to low-load resistance exercise with blood flow restriction
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Disclaimer: This episode and all information on SAGA’s podcast, website, and other platforms is for informational or educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals.