Oct 11 2023 30 mins
Do you think that you are addicted to coffee and want to quit? Or are you considering a healthier relationship with your favorite drink? Well, this episode is tailor-made for you.
Join Yasmine on her journey with coffee, a relationship that's been both on and off. She's been there, where quitting was easy during certain life stages, but regaining control proved challenging.
In this insightful episode, Yasmine delves into why excessive coffee consumption might not be in your best interest.
She offers invaluable perspectives on reevaluating your coffee connection, guides you through the process of quitting, and provides innovative ideas for delightful coffee alternatives.
But remember, your relationship with coffee is uniquely yours, a dynamic bond that might shift with the seasons of life.
This episode serves as your compass, encouraging you to tap into your intuition and explore what works best for you.
So, if your relationship with coffee needs a reality check, listen in. It's all about empowering you to decide what your coffee story looks like, sip by sip.
Let's brew up a healthier, happier you together.
"Coffee can become a crutch that we overly rely on, right? We kinda lose ourselves and our power to coffee at certain times. Like, do you ever find yourself thinking that you can’t start your day until you have coffee?" ~ Yasmine Moussa
In This Episode:
- Statistics about coffee consumption
- Why quitting coffee might be a good idea
- Reasons to quit coffee
- Yasmine’s personal relationship with coffee
- Loving Lately
- How do you actually quit coffee?
- Tips and tricks for committing to this habit
Garden of Flavor juices - www.gardenofflavor.com
MUD\WTR™ - https://shrsl.com/36ysl
Yogi Green Tea Super Antioxidant - https://yogiproducts.com/teas/green-teas/green-tea-super-antioxidant/
How to Quit Coffee — Coffee Quitters Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/142930790491449
Connect with Yasmine Moussa:
Website - https://www.gentlenursery.com/
Non-Toxic Mommies FB Group - https://web.facebook.com/groups/nontoxicmommies
Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/gentlenursery/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thegentlenursery