Oct 13 2023 43 mins
“Multi-Layered System of Supports (MLSS) is New Mexico’s comprehensive overhaul of the Response to Intervention (RTI) that improves support systems by removing administrative barriers to providing timely evidence-based supports and focuses on holistic student success through robust family partnerships.”
Please see the website above to access information about New Mexico’s Multi-Layered Systems of Support. You may also download the Implementation Guide.
These documents will give you comprehensive information about MLSS for all New Mexico students. From the viewpoint of the special educators who participated in this podcast, there are salient points that make a difference for all NM students.
1. MLSS focuses on Positive Behavior Supports for all students. These supports are listed on pages 13-39 of the Implementation Guide.
2. [MLSS is] “a coordinated and comprehensive framework that uses increasingly intensive evidence-based academic and behavioral supports that address student needs as evidenced by student data.