Jess's Tips for Tackling Big Projects with Confidence

Sep 16 2024 16 mins  

We've all had that project that made us both excited and terrified. 

Maybe it was the first time your manager asked you to tackle something you'd never tackled before. 

Maybe it was a stretch goal to prove you were ready for that promotion. 

In any case, when you're named the lead on a high-effort, high-impact, high-visibility project, what can you do to give yourself the highest odds of success without totally burning yourself out?

In this episode, Jess walks you through what she does to pull off big projects with confidence.

  • Controlling what you can control so you can deal with what you can't
  • The power of documentation and socialization
  • Getting comfortable moving forward without permission and 100% of the necessary information
  • How to seek support when you're stuck, and why you shouldn't be afraid to “raise the red flag.”