Feb 26 2025 8 mins 23
How prepared are you if you no longer work for the Federal Government?
Maybe you accepted the Trump Administration’s “deferred resignation” package; maybe your agency did a Voluntary Early Retirement (authorized as a VERA); maybe there was a reduction in force of mass layoffs? Maybe you are one of the many federal employees that we have been chatting with who said, you know what, “It’s been real. Sometimes it has been fun. It’s no longer real fun.” and you just want to leave federal service.
Are you ready to leave federal service? If so, you may want your FERS Go Bag Packed and ready.
When planning for your federal retirement, one of the most important steps is to pack your "FERS Go Bag" - a metaphorical bag of financial and practical preparations to ensure a smooth transition when you leave federal services or, as smooth as things are going to be right now.
As financial advisors who have helped thousands of federal employees learn about their benefits (no matter where they are at in their careers), here is our list of the Top 5 Items you need to have verified and have before you leave Federal Service.