Have you ever found yourself caught in a cycle of negative thoughts after a breakup? Do you often feel like a failure or that you'll never find love again? In this episode, we delve into two common cognitive distortions that can amplify self-doubt: all-or-nothing thinking and overgeneralization.
We'll explore how these distorted thought patterns can sabotage your healing process and provide practical strategies to challenge them. By understanding and addressing these mental traps, you can break free from negative self-talk and cultivate a more positive outlook on life.
Join us as we discuss how to recognize these cognitive distortions, challenge negative thoughts, and practice self-compassion.
Ready to Fast-Track Your Breakup Recovery? Join my FREE upcoming webinar, "How to be Happier, Healthier, and More Successful After a Breakup or Divorce." Grab your spot now: https://www.angieday.com/webinar/
If you think you or someone you love may be struggling after a breakup or divorce and you’d like help with this or any other topic, feel free to reach out to me. You can email me at [email protected] or you can easily drop me a Voicemail here: https://www.speakpipe.com/TheBacktoHappyPodcast