Jan 10 2025 46 mins
This episode is NOT only for men!
Gals - you’ll also learn what’s causing your binge eating and how to stop getting the urge to binge, and have more understanding for any men in your life who might be struggling.
Here’s a preview:
Main differences in how men might experience binge eating vs women:
Generally, men place more self-worth on wealth and status than weight and shape, and so the pressures of “beauty standards” are less of a driver for their issues with food
Men *generally* require a higher caloric intake than women and, since diet-culture targets women more than men, they may not be aware of how severe their calorie deficit is when dieting (for ex: thinking 1800 per day is a “moderate” deficit when it is actually severe for most men)
Similarities between the two sexes:
Rigid food rules and under eating are main drivers
Mood dysregulation (an inability to tolerate difficult mood states)
History of dieting leading to metabolic adaptation and the need for a period of calorie surplus to come back to a healthy homeostasis
I talk more about these differences and how to target each of the 3 main root causes of binge eating in this episode!
Give it a listen and I’d love to hear your feedback or additional questions - feel free to send me an email.
📲 Contact me:
Email me at [email protected]
Learn more about my 1:1 coaching and nutrition counseling services: bit.ly/elenakwebsite
❓Submit questions for future episodes here: https://forms.gle/PU4aptH2RRF5Q8JK6
✨ Watch my free class - How I Stopped Binge Eating: bit.ly/howIstoppedbingeeating
✨ Free meal guide: bit.ly/bprmealplan
✨ Free workbook: bit.ly/ekfreeguide
👩🏼🏫 Resources for this episode:
Total Daily Energy Expenditure for men vs women: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002916523049195#:~:text=Results%3A,women%20(P%20%3C%200.0001).
Minnesota Starvation Experiment: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2013/10/hunger
Metabolic adaptation episode: https://elenakunicki.libsyn.com/metabolic-adaptation-the-lasting-effects-of-your-1200-calorie-diet-days
(Some) episodes on body image:
Link an article Marci Evans food addiction article: https://marcird.com/food-addiction-what-does-the-research-say/