Feb 05 2025 36 mins
This is the last episode of The Binge Eating Dietitian Podcast 💓.
We discuss the reasons why the podcast is ending and what to expect moving forward from me and my services as a dietitian.
I also answer a listener question about what to focus on when you have the urge to lose weight but you don’t want to go to an extreme like you did in the past that was unhealthy.
Sending so much love.
Thank you.
Contact me: [email protected]
Resources from this episode:
Body image coaching from licensed mental health therapist Bri Campos who is in a larger body - https://www.instagram.com/bodyimagewithbri/
More Than a Body Book by body image researchers Lexi and Lindsay Kite - https://www.morethanabody.org/more-than-a-body-book/