7 No BS Tips to Not Binge Over the Holidays

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Nov 21 2024 36 mins  

This week on the pod I’m sharing some REAL tips on how you can enjoy your holiday season completely free from the urge to binge.

I know it might sound too good to be true, and you’ve probably already tried a million things to not act on the urge to binge.

My approach is different.

It’s not about finding ways to NOT eat when that urge hits.

It’s about getting to the root cause and eliminating the urge all together.

If you started binge eating after losing weight or getting fit - this episode is for you.

The 7 tips are:

#1: Start disordered eating recovery NOW (this is going to involve actually acknowledging you HAVE disordered eating and that the solution is not to just “have more willpower”)

In the podcast episode - I define what recovery means in depth. But basically, it involves 3 steps:

  • Letting go of control over your weight
  • Giving yourself permission to eat
  • Giving yourself permission to rest

#2: Implement a mental health morning routine

I recommend:

5-10 minutes of mindfulness meditation to ground your mind and body.

Writing out any thoughts that are causing anxiety or guilt around food and reframing them to statements that feel more true, compassionate or aligned with how you WANT to feel.

#3: Eat consistently throughout your day - don’t skip meals

3 meals, 2 snacks, starchy carb/protein/fat in each of them, eating something within 1-2 hours of waking and going to bed, and eating every 2-3 hours throughout the day are good places to start.

#4: Expect uncomfortable fullness in the beginning - that’s normal.

Your mental hunger is going to be higher than what your physical stomach is used to, these cues will regulate over time as you continue to honor your hunger and cravings.

#5: Stop body checking - hide the scale, cover the full length mirrors, peel yourself away from the mirror

#6: Focus on physical self-care behaviors like prioritizing sleep, moisturizing your skin, and creating an ambience of cozy/calm in your home

#7: Open up to your trusted and loving family and friends about what’s going on with you and the process you are following

More details in the episode itself + supportive free resources in the show notes!

Hope this helps and sending lots of love.

Contact me:

DM me on Instagram @elenakunickird

Email me at [email protected]

✨ Learn more about my group program + fill out an application: bit.ly/normaleater

✨ Watch my free class - How I Stopped Binge Eating: bit.ly/howIstoppedbingeeating

✨ Free meal guide: bit.ly/bprmealplan

✨ Free workbook: bit.ly/ekfreeguide