Dec 30 2024 21 mins
Are you tired of spending time and energy on sales conversations and clients that aren’t a good fit?
Closing the right clients doesn’t have to feel awkward or exhausting. Nikki shows you how to attract the right clients by repelling the wrong ones, ensuring you only invest time in prospects who are truly a good fit for your services.
In this episode, Nikki reveals her top strategies for setting clear expectations through your messaging, pre-qualifying prospects, and using budget as a natural filter.
Learn how to create transparent, engaging content that attracts clients who are ready to invest and how to decline those who aren’t a match gracefully.
She walks you through the importance of transparent pricing, setting boundaries with potential clients, and protecting your time and energy with a thoughtful screening process.
These simple yet powerful strategies allow you to work smarter, not harder, and free up your mental space to focus on the clients who are a perfect fit.
When you’re ready to streamline your sales process and attract only the right clients, this episode is full of actionable tips you can implement right away. Nikki’s here to guide you every step of the way!
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In This Episode:
[00:41] Today we're talking about how to attract the right clients by repealing the wrong ones. This is all about saving you time and energy and making room for clients that are the right fit.
[01:16] I'm going to share strategies and close with a couple of scripts to gracefully decline clients that are the wrong fit.
[01:49] Set clear expectations through your messaging in all of your media from your sales page to social. Identify who the offer is for.
[02:26] Have a section that explains who this program is for. Give a menu.
[03:59] Prequalify your prospects with some type of screening process.
[04:29] Things to look at when you're not closing 75% of your consultation calls. How can I minimize calls that are the wrong fit? Am I closing those who are the right fit?
[05:21] You could have a short questionnaire prescreening before a prospective client books a call. Keep it under five minutes.
[06:15] Talk about pricing. Give a range of prices. What are you looking to invest?
[09:10] Use budget as a natural filter. This can be an opportunity to bless and release.
[10:14] Based on what you've shared and what's important to you and specifically what you're looking to accomplish, I get a sense that what I offer isn't the right nextstep for you. Respectfully bring the conversation to a close.
[11:26] Think about being transparent with your pricing.
[12:56] Sales isn't about you, it's about the prospect.
[13:40] Nikki shares a story of a client who didn't want to put her prices on her website. Having to ask about pricing can alienate a client.
[16:43] Benefits of repelling the wrong clients. It reduces tire kickers. Sometimes you have to clear the field so you're not overloaded.
[18:13] After reviewing the notes from our call and thinking about what you're wanting to accomplish, I don't feel like what I offer is the right nextstep for you. So I'm going to respectfully decline offering a proposal to avoid wasting your time.
For more actionable sales tips, download the FREE Closing The Sale Ebook.
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To download free Resources from Nikki:
Episode 247: How to Handle Tire Kickers: Turn Indecisive Prospects into Committed Clients