Jul 14 2024 43 mins
Jamie and Emily celebrate their last podcast episode before their summer break by discussing a highly requested topic- their daily routines! They emphasize both the similarities and the differences in their parenting styles, and how this plays out in their day to day schedules. Emily starts out by discussing her mornings and the challenges of dealing with an early-rising toddler, while Jamie talks about her more relaxed mornings and the benefits of having older, more independent children. They delve into mealtimes, and the strategies of ordering out and letting kids watch TV during meals vs eating together as a family. Emily and Jamie then discuss their bedtime routines, highlighting the different routes they each take with their children, from quick good nights to more involved nighttime rituals. They reflect on the flexibility and challenges of parenting, emphasizing the importance of adapting routines to individual family needs and doing what works best for the family as a whole.
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