Safety tips when you're out with babies + kids

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Apr 11 2021 55 mins  

I have had so many messages sliding into my DM’s about how to stay safe when you’re out with babies and kids. I get it, I have been there, I have two boys and I know what it feels like when all you want to do is protect these tiny people from everything in the world and you can feel quite vulnerable when doing it.

In this episode, Tristan and I talk about what you can do to not only feel safer when you’re out with babies and kids but actually be safer. Planning plays a large role but the type of planning will differ depending on the age of the child. We run through each stage, starting with Infants working our way up to 12-year-olds, which covers the primary school years.

You know your child best, so apply these tips and strategies when you feel your child is ready. Self-protection is a life journey and one that evolves with the various stages of your life. We have one life so make sure you are living it to the max in the safest way possible.

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