Nov 17 2022 82 mins 2
Your two podcast hosts had a lovely chat with Brian Slade, author “Simon Cadell: The Authorised Biography”, the beloved Hi-De-Hi actor.
We received a delightful voicemail from the “Keeping Up Appearances: The Luxury Podcast” with chums of the pod William Hanson (from the “I Sexted My Boss” podcast) and Jonathan Vernon-Smith from the BBC “The JVS Show” programme.
The staff has finally turned on Mr. Rumbold’s managerial role.
“Fanny Adams” is a phrase that translates to “fuck all” but points to a very tragic news event which was popularized by the English Navy regarding an 8 year old girl in 1867.
What if there -was- a 3rd season of Grace & Favour/AYBS?
We learn about the fate of Mrs. Rumbold.
Mr. Molturd randomly announces that the lads from the pub have challenged the staff with a darts match!
We try to explain how darts is played (visualize a pizza).
Find old episodes of “Bullseye” on YouTube, the Darts Game Show from 1980s’ UK!
Sheep are being sold to the estate next-door.
Mr. Humphries is proud of his Australian hat (sent from his penpal).
Capt. Peacock’s mysterious bite marks that Miss. Lovelock somehow is privy to.
Enter the 1928 Daimler sedan.
What is a “tax disc”?
Percy the local police officer and Molturd's bribe.
And the super cute freeze-frame of Billy Burden in this scene with a great big smile.
The Vine Tree Pub was where the exterior shots of the episode were filmed in Norton, England. It’s still open today and is a 14 minute drive away from Chavenage House (“Millstone Manor”).
Apple orchards in the West Country of England generates excess apples which are then crafted into “scrumpy”- a high-octane alcohol.
A quick history of why we call the graphite in pencils “lead”.
Mavis can handle her scrumpy and “is just getting started”!
Paul Humpoletz player Henry Heathcliff, Malcom’s father.
Mr. Brandon finally stumps Mr. Jeff: Paul Humpoletz also played one of the thieves in the “The Hold Up” from the original series 10: episode 3!
And her past catches up with her again from Tiverton.
A shoving match starts up; Rumbold and Henry step outside!
Both men are posturing until Slocombe finally smashes Henry with her handbag.
Dressed all in black, the staff try to sneak onto the neighbouring estate to spirit away the sheep.
Mr. Humphries accepts Slocombe’s cold cream!
Marketing made men think cold cream was only for young women.
Humphries tries to bribe a terrier dog with the tandoori chicken (which no one likes, including the dog).
And the sheep find their way back to Millstone Manor! Happy ending!
And the final lines of Grace & Favour:
Peacock: “A large drink and a hot bath.”
Slocombe: “Now that’s real leadership that is”.
Superfan John-Brian Hopkins on Twitter shared that the terrier in this episode was Wendy Richard’s dog named “Shirley Brahams”.
The terrier gets the final credit of the series!
Our NEXT episode: Behind the Pink Curtain. We discuss our thoughts about making the podcast series, AYBE today and yesterday, and how YOU can make your own podcast.
Final call: send us your last voicemail for our final podcast!
Treat yourself to some That Does Suit Madame merch at our Bargain Basement podcast shop at for t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, and more! Leave the show a voicemail at the Peacock Hotline: (662)-PEACOCK (662-732-2625) and find us on Twitter @DoesSuitMadame and #AYBS #AreYouBeingServed #ImFree #Britcom #comedy #ThatDoesSuitMadame #GraceBros #podcast #LGBT #BlackLivesMatter #BBC #AreYouBeingServedAgain #GraceAndFavour #GraceAndFavor