That Does Suit Madame, The "Are You Being Served?" Podcast

Apr 09 2023 90 ep. 61 mins 124
That Does Suit Madame, The

Join hosts Mr. Jeff and Mr. Brandon as they share their love for the cult classic 1970s BBC TV hit "Are You Being Served?"! We do a deep dive of each AYBS episode, one per podcast episode. We love to hear from our listeners! Drop us a question or comment about your why you love AYBS. Leave a voicemail at the PEACOCK Hotline at 662-PEACOCK! Find us on Facebook at and Twitter @DoesSuitMadame #AreYouBeingServed #ImFree #Britcom #comedy #MrHumphries #ThatDoesSuitMadame #GraceBros #podcast #LGBTQ #LGBT #BritCom #AYBS #BlackLivesMatter #WearAmask