Sep 18 2022 57 mins 12
Rest in peace Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
A voicemail from Superfan Ms. Johanna from Detroit and her childhood AYBS-related snafu.
What do they call “Britbox” in the UK… “box”?
Update from Superfan Ms. Ursula: congratulations to Mr. Anthony and Mr. Scott on their nuptials (they’re neither one way nor the other) and their AYBS-themed invitations.
Mr. Brandon uncovers 1995 memories of his “Encarta” CD-ROM with the new “multimedia”!
Mrs. Slocombe was the star of the cricket match.
A winning turnip in the Vegetables and Flower Show?
Capt. Peacock has trouble getting his leg ‘round a horse.
A letter from Mrs. Axelby. (And was she Slocombe’s secret lover?!)
The strong arm of the Daffodil Club.
Mrs. Slocombe’s ex-husband appears at Millstone Manor!
And she had to have margarine on her toast instead of that slightly salted butter.
A guide to the rigid hierarchy of the supermarkets in the UK.
But they were happy!
Class-conscious Mrs. Slocombe tries to hide in a secret priest hiding spot during the Cromwell years.
A very rapid history of the Olive Cromwell period in England.
Is “a Scotish breakfast” code for a something?
The killing of King Charles I and a special (and old) golden spoon to be used during the upcoming coronation of King Charles III.
Mrs. Slocombe turns into a West Country land girl.
The staff needs to convince Mr. Slocombe that there’s a lot of staff on the property.
The actors’ experience doing Pantomime shows came in handy with this episode.
Using the French language to impress.
The classic Mollie Sugden smirk just like Mae West.
John Inman as Humphries as Mad Jed where Inman reminds us of the AYBS-Australia episode.
“Other times I’m like this… but I’m happy!”
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