Episode 82 - “The Cricket Match” Are You Being Served Again / Grace & Favour

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Aug 26 2022 59 mins   5

We love our fun and funny chat with @MsJoanneHeywood on our last podcast episode (and the #Unanimous do too!).

-Are- we actually in Northern Mississippi? The rumours continue…

Our collective noun to name the listeners of our podcast: “The Unanimous”.

The great behind-the-scenes that Ms. Heywood provided the show from her fabulous motorbike scene with Capt. Peacock!

We only have 4 original AYBSA/Grace & Favour episodes left to talk about.

Mr. James, the current captain of the Grace Bros. Table Tennis Team, left us a lovely voicemail on the PEACOCK Hotline.

Americans: which local PBS station did you originally learn about AYBS in the 90s? Send a tweet or FB message, tag us, and then tag the PBS station!

Who is the UK “late night” chat show king/queen?

Americans are leaving Millstone Manor as the episode opens. Is the American who says their stay was “swell” on “Absolutely Fabulous”? Mr. Brandon is convinced.

The Mollie Sugden/Mrs. Slocombe grimaces!

Miss. Braham’s lesbian barrister admirer.

“I’m the other way.”

“I’m in between - bifocals!”

Our “moment of butch”.

And we attempt to explain the cricket.

(And then we post a great explanation video on YouTube out of guilt)

“What a sticky wicket”.

Put the poles in the holes!

The scene where Mr. Molturd and Mrs. Slocombe appear to be assisting each other under the marquee’s canvas.

A beautiful shot of Fleur Bennett and John Inman as Humphries and Mavis.

Mrs. Slocombe’s tuba music while she pulled the roller on the lawn.

Devonshire vs. Cornish and scones; does jam or clotted cream go first?

Mr. Jeff salivates over his favourite sandwich from his recent jaunt to London.

The gingerbread men cookies.

Maybe Mavis and Humphries should get married?!

The recycled joke “If life was a train from London to Birmingham, I’ve just gone past Rugby”.

Miss. Lovelock outshines Peacock with The Times’ crosswords.

Mr. Thorpe and Miss. Prescott from the solicitor’s office appear about selling some assets for a massage parlour (And remind us of Young Mr. Grace).

And some casual, cringey racist jokes.

A suitor from Mavis’s past appears from Tender Bottom.

The cricket match!

Falling pants, Humphries’ shorts, and an errant ball.

Coming soon: the That Does Suit Madame Northern Mississippi Cricket Team?

Treat yourself to some That Does Suit Madame merch at our Bargain Basement podcast shop at imfree.threadless.com for t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, and more! Leave the show a voicemail at the Peacock Hotline: (662)-PEACOCK (662-732-2625) and find us on Twitter @DoesSuitMadame and #AYBS #AreYouBeingServed #ImFree #Britcom #comedy #ThatDoesSuitMadame #GraceBros #podcast #LGBT #BlackLivesMatter #BBC #AreYouBeingServedAgain #GraceAndFavour #GraceAndFavor