Oct 13 2022 65 mins 8
It’s Halloween season!
Only 2 more original episodes of Grace & Favour to cover!
A “very special episode” of the podcast coming up.
Call for Nominations! Our special upcoming awards!
A special hello to our pals Gary and Tilt from The Sitcom Club and their new AYBS podcast “They’ll Ride Up With Wear”. Listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sitcom-club-091-aybs-pilot/id635720813?i=1000580551913
An AYBS renaissance?!
Sweet messages from our #Unanimous listeners who don’t want our podcast to end. (All good things...)
Start your own podcast! (And we’ll make a “Secrets Revealed” podcast episode soon where we teach you how).
We were told what the “buffers” was from a previous show. Thanks Mr. Dirk!
And we still don’t like Old Mr. Grace.
Mavis brings Humphries a nice tray with eggs and soldiers (not burly Armymen).
A fabulous dream sequence with Miss. Lovelock and Cap’n Peacock as a 1950s period scene - amazing.
Tobacco snuff and the gross history of “toffee-nosed gits” and “noses in the air”.
The studio audience wanted to applaud the sequence.
Then they discover a mummified cat inside the bedroom wall!
Rumbold, Slocombe, Brahams, and Humphries go and plant potatoes.
Slocombe’s straddling of a tractor seat! And her country roots come out.
The Bogman joke!
A bog = slang for “bathroom” in the UK.
“There must have been a very long queue”… LOL
The staff go to the local museum to donate the cat.
The museum curator is played by Patrick Fyffe who is famous for Dame Hilda Bracket (one half of the female impersonator comedy duo “Hinge and Bracket”).
Nefertiti’s aunt? We don’t get the joke.
Daisy the cow has stopped giving milk. Peacock gets a ticket. Bad things are happening to the staff!
Take a cat from the wall, bad luck shall befall!
Mr. Jeff explains meters and scanning in speaking. Iambic pentameter, etc.
Mr. Rumbold had a bang on his head and is probably concussed.
Old school chain-pull toilets.
Lemon pie filling explodes into the kitchen mysteriously!
Lovelock scares Mr. Molturd as she’s dressed as a glamourous ghost.
Slocombe and Brahams’ room is very haunted.
Humphries and Mavis’ bed starts to levitate off the ground.
The laissez-faire use of tranquilizers and sleeping pills.
A concussed Rumbold wanders around the manor shouting “Peacock!”.
The mummified cat wags its tail(?!).
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