Jul 18 2022 48 mins 5
The final episode of Season 1 of AYBSA/Grace & Favour! (But we still have Season 2 to go).
We had an unauthorized travel expense from official Research Unpaid Intern J.J. (but he sends us a report from LONDON anyway).
An AYBS tattoo in “The Theatre of the Mind”!?
Superfan Patrick suggests that Mollie Sugden as Mrs. Slocombe sounded snooty in the original series but not as much in AYBS-Again. Why?
Mr. Jeff sings!
Wayne’s World and Cops on 90’s TV.
The gayest moment on the podcast ever! “A trice” - Professor Jeff explains that refers to an old fashioned type of pully. “In a trice” = “in a jiffy”.
Mrs. Slocombe reconciders delivering the breakfast tray to handsy Mr. Webster in a throw-back joke.
Mr. Conklyn wants Mr. Humphry’s help in the bath.
The Americans don’t have vitality, personality, or youth.
“One For My Baby” sung by Bette Midler as the final act for Johnny Carson’s “The Tonight Show” on American TV.
“Sausage” = “sausage and mash” = Cockney rhyming slang = “cash”.
Mr. Humphries milks Bessie the milk cow.
Where is the Valley of the Queens?!
Tiddles is a cougar, apparently.
Harrods delivers to Northern Mississippi!
The staff create a church service with Slocombe pumping the organ (and the blacksmith).
The dentures are missing!
The “Benny Hill” song played during PM Boris Johnson’s resignation speech.
Mavis is willing for a shilling?!
The Harvest Dance!
Mavis is the “caller” just like in American Square Dancing (which might have been evolved from Somerset Harvest Dances in England?)
Capt. Peacock plays an apple tree from “The Wizard of Oz”.
The “Somerset” farmer costumes in “Roots” look the same as in the Harvest Dance in this episode!
A call back from “German Week” with Slocombe slapping Peacock!
Next podcast: Season 2 of “Are You Being Served Again” / “Grace & Favour”.
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