May 09 2022 25 mins 11
Tiffany Roe Episode 58 - Attachment Styles
Attachment styles are hugely influential in our lives as they shape the way we seek relationships with others throughout life. Our styles, secure or insecure, have been greatly influenced by the way we connected to our caregivers in early life. In today’s episode, we talk about the difference between the two styles, their types, and transitioning from an insecure to a secure attachment style. More importantly, I discuss how healing from core attachment wounds can be possible even at a later age.
- The difference between secure and insecure types of attachment .
- How you can transition from an insecure to a secure attachment style.
- Discussing Mary Ainsworth’s and the Strange Situation.
- How you can heal your core attachment wounds.
- How insecure attachment can affect your life.
My Therapy thoughts are for educational purposes only and are not a replacement for a therapeutic relationship or individualized mental health or medical care.