Mar 07 2025 1 mins
In November 2024, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued warning letters to six companies selling unapproved drugs said to control seizures in dogs and cats. The products were sold online without requiring a prescription or veterinary oversight.
The letter cautioned that animals taking anti-seizure drugs should be supervised by a licensed veterinarian who could diagnose and manage their conditions. Many abnormalities can cause seizures.
The FDA has conditionally approved two drugs for canine epilepsy — that is, seizures of unknown origin. KBroVet-CA1 [KAY-broh-vet-C-A-1] is a form of potassium bromide, and Fidoquel-CA1 [FI-doh-quell-C-A-1] is a phenobarbital agent.
If you think these might help you pet, ask your veterinarian.