Dec 23 2024 22 mins
Link Mentioned In The Episode:
Something I’ve noticed over the years is the overwhelming amount of resources there are to help us “survive” and “get through” the holiday season.
But what if we dared to…(glances over shoulder to make sure no one is watching) actually enjoy them?
While the holidays can really run a snow plow over our nervous systems, allow me to gently perch on your shoulder as the fairy goddess-mother I am, and whisper encouragement for your own peace and pleasure with today’s episode.
Whatever past or present stressors have colored your experience of the holidays, it is always a good time a to celebrate the light that you are by creating traditions that are uniquely your own.
Some of the gems you’ll discover include:
- My favorite year-end savoring ritual
- Gorgeous, nature inspired decor tips
- Seasonal sensory pleasures to gift your body with delight
- Eco-friendly gift wrapping rituals
Join me for today’s festive fabulosity!
With love and dried citrus,
P.S. - Today’s episode offers just a taste of the full banquet of delights we explore every week in The Sanctuary. If you’re looking for a cozy community to soften stress, deepen intuition, and nurture a life of beauty, presence, and enchantment, join us in The Sanctuary today!
Free Audio Collection: The Enchanted Path of Beauty • Discover beauty as a devotional path, a healing practice, and source of the sacred.