Feb 15 2021 9 mins
The number Seven often symbolizes completion or wholeness. It also symbolizes being free, forgiven, and HEALED. I felt the need to remind you of the importance of this one thing. Love YOU. You cannot love anyone else until you love yourself first. We walk around all made up, smiling as if we have it all together, but if God was to turn you inside out, how are you FOR REAL? Take a good look at yourself and understand that there is nothing wrong with you loving yourself. This is not selfish. You can start loving yourself more by taking the necessary steps to be whole and healthy- mentally, physically, and emotionally! Start by saying something positive about yourself every day and stay right there- focusing on the good! Bring out the BEST in You and Speak life. Your words are powerful. Speak positive things in your atmosphere, and positive things will be- because you have the power to shift things!