May 13 2022 31 mins
"We come from a culture where failure is the enemy. We rather give it a half a try than try and fail."
Our guide for today is Noor Al Obaid an entrepreneur, a food and beverage consultant. She's the founder of Bake and Educate, a nonprofit organization that has covered the tuition fees for more than 480 underprivileged students in Kuwait since its inception.
Noor has been celebrated by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for her stellar campaigns. She's been well received by the public, which is evident by her loyal and enthusiastic fans and followers on social media platforms.
I want to set the stage for this interview by shining the spotlight on three main points of focus for our dialogue
- About Noor and her unique human journey.
- Learn about Kuwait's food scene and how to start a food trend
- Walk away with some of the habits, tips, and tricks that help pave the road to Noor's success.
References mentioned in this episode:
Bait Lothan
Bake and Educate
Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR
The Chocolate Bar Ads
Dana Al Hanbali - Social Media Guru
Shrimpy Banned Billboard
Pret A Manger
Kuwait as a Food Capital
Fajer Eats - Kuwaiti Mukbangs
Reach out to Noor at:
Instagram @noorthatbakes
Reach out to broadband at:
Instagram @broadband.podcast
Email [email protected]
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