Apr 13 2022 74 mins
Injured? Surgery? New baby? Work schedule insanely busy? Inevitably there comes a time for most of us where life forces us to be out of the gym. And in those cases, for most of us the first thought is "what will happen to my progress?" "Will I lose my gains"
On today's Episode Brandon DaCruz joins me to discuss what happens to muscle and strength after 1 week, 3 weeks, 6 months out of training. Hint- it's not as bad as you think.
Topics Include:
- How do we lose muscle
- How long can we take off before muscle is lost?
- What the detraining research shows us
- Maintaining Gains while reducing volume
- Why you think your losing muscle
and more!
Find Brandon on Instagram HERE
Connect with Sarah
Instagram: @SarahFordBishop
1-on-1 Coaching Application
Email: [email protected]