Episode Artwork
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Jul 14 2022 37 mins  

Dr. Mary Sidhwani starts this month's show by recapping what we discovered the previous month. She continues by describing how self-hypnosis works. What do the various perspectives on self-hypnosis look like, and how do they impact us? After leading you through a self-hypnosis session, she will lead you through a guided hypnosis session.

{00:20} Recap of the last episodes

{01:00} What is self-hypnosis?

{04:11} The four mental attitudes towards self-hypnosis

{12:15} The guide to Self-hypnosis

{21:00} Guided hypnosis sessions

Mary ends with guided hypnosis. * Disclaimer: This is not a substitute for mental health or medical treatment. As each episode contains a guided meditation, please do not listen while driving or operating machinery. Thank you so much.