Oct 09 2024 31 mins
On this episode Ashley and Danielle do a deep dive into fiber and their favorite types of fiber supplements.
Ashley and Danielle discuss:
- their colonoscopy experiences
- how to reduce fears around fiber and why it is so important for IBD patients
- how fiber can be used therapeutically to reduce inflammation and improve IBD overall
- how fiber improves the gut barrier function
- how fiber helps with creating a diverse and healthy gut microbiome
- how fiber can reduce the risk of flare ups
- different kinds of prebiotic fiber supplements, including one of our favorites, PHGG /Sunfiber
- our new Sunfiber with probiotic strain 299 V is coming out- it reduces symptoms like bloating and abdominal pain and aids in regulating stool patterns: https://gutlove.us/product/back-to-balance/
- how psyllium husk powder supports gut microbiome and gut lining
- stay tuned for a part 2 because we have a lot more to discuss- including research on PHGG, psyllium seed powder and psyllium husk!
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