"Be curious to ease the furious" ~ Fran Bouman ~ Vulva Artist and Educator

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Nov 12 2024 84 mins  

On today’s podcast, we are so excited to interview Fran Bouwman, founder of the Viva La Flying Vulva campaign, aiming to spread awareness and education around the beautiful Vulva. She is an artist, educator, and entertainer. She has spearheaded many creative projects; including, the Vulva Forest Walk, where participants journeyed through the forest on her property exploring her beautiful sculptures of vulvas with wings.

Fran is also hosting a panel event; VULVA DIALOGUES on Thursday, Nov 21st at the Simcoe Street Theatre in Collingwood Ontario, which you can purchase tickets HERE.


Fran’s Website: https://www.vivalaflyingvulva.com/
Frans Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/viva_la_flying_vulva/
Vulva Dialogues Event Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-vulva-dialogues-tickets-1030221599537?aff=oddtdtcreator

Nikki Zavitz is a FAMM Certified Practitioner, Menstrual Cycle and Fertility Awareness Educator and Body Literacy Advocate. She is a wife and mother to three daughters, working and living in Nottawa, Ontario.
Check out more of Nikki's work with Pretty River Red Tent including cycle awareness workshops, Moon Mother Mood Daughter events, Fertility Awareness Consultations and more at www.prettyriverredtent.com

Sarah Tacoma is a Registered NLP Practitioner, Clinical Herbalist and a student ofGerman New Medicine. She is a wife and mother to three children, living, gardening and working Kimberley, Ontario.
Check out Sarah's hand-crafted, small batch Bloem Botanicals products including fresh plant tinctures, infused botanical serums and salve salves, workshops and 1:1 Consultations at www.bloembotanicals.ca

Thank you! Enjoy the show.