Sep 20 2024 23 mins
In this episode, we dive deep with Jessica Munoz from the Alzheimer's Association about the profound impact of the Walk to End Alzheimer's. We explore the importance of community, the funds raised for crucial research, and the incredible resources available for caregivers and those living with Alzheimer's. Join us in learning how we can support each other and make strides towards ending Alzheimer's.
Highlights from our Latest Episode:
🎙️ Guest Speaker: Jessica Munoz
- The Walk to End Alzheimer’s:
- Learn about the purpose, impact, and community support fostered through this incredible event.
- Resources Available:
- Including a 24/7 helpline, educational programs, support groups for caregivers and those with Alzheimer’s, and more!
- Upcoming Walk Details:
- Mark your calendars for
- Sunday, October 20th at the Kentucky Horse Park, Altec Arena.
- Registration starts at 1:30 PM with the opening ceremony at 2:30 PM.
- Exciting Updates in Alzheimer’s Research:
- Hear about the latest FDA-approved treatments and ongoing research advancing the fight against Alzheimer’s.
Why You Should Join the Walk to End Alzheimer’s
The walk is not just a fundraising event; it’s a powerful demonstration of support and solidarity for those affected by Alzheimer’s. Whether you choose to walk a mile or simply cheer on the participants, your presence makes a difference. Remember, there’s no registration fee, and everyone is welcome!
How to Register
- Visit the website:
- Click on “Register” and follow the easy steps.
- Set your fundraising goals and invite others to join or donate to your cause.
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