Welcome to our first “MOM CHAT” episode! This where I bring on women I love as HUMANS who are also juggling motherhood while building a business. Today my girlfriend Lindsay who is the host of “The Motherload” podcast, also the COO of Boss Babe, and co-creator of “CEO MAMA”. Her and I are jamming in a super transparent way about motherhood.
This whole episode feels like a permission slip to chart your own path as a mama so we talk a lot about the importance of developing self-trust and setting realistic goals that align for the season of life {& motherhood) that you’re in. We also dig into some of the common fears entrepreneur moms face—such as the fear of becoming irrelevant or losing all your momentum that sometimes come up if you’re choose to slow down, we dive into nervous system support and redefining “chaos” altogether- overall it’s SUCH a juicy episode—Cannot WAIT to hear what you think of it & new empowerHER segment!!
To connect with Lindsay:
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lindsayroselle/?hl=en
& her show “The Motherload”: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/motherload-podcast/id1636779827
Check out our previous episode on empowerHER: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1779320/episodes/14910367
As mentioned in today’s episode:
If you’re looking to work with me 1 on 1 — I’m going to do some IN PERSON VIP Days the first few months of 202, so if you’re interested in chatting more on if this could be a good fit DM me the word “VIP” on Instagram or text me at (512) 548-2728
& to be the FIRST to know about the incredible event I’m hosting for moms that are also entrepreneurs… text “MOM2025” to 512-548-2728 to be in the loop of all the deets + when dates are released!
Connect with me on Instagram: @kacia.ghetmiri | @empowerher.podcast
& come check out our new YouTube channel: EmpowerHER Podcast