Jul 15 2023 30 mins
Let's be real. We are smart people with an unhelpful habit of numbing out instead of taking action on our dreams.
If you relate with any of the following then listen to this episode ASAP:
- find it difficult to stay motivated and focused on goals
- tendency to give in to distractions and urges that hinder progress
- struggle with procrastination and over-indulgence in unproductive activities
- regularly break commitments to yourself but never other people
We all have our vices. That could be mindlessly eating cookies we’re not even enjoying; drinking at a party when we said we wouldn’t; turning down an invite to meet friends so you can work, and then you get distracted and don’t do anything.
You don’t have time for this anymore. Life is too short. How long will you wait before you start demanding the best for yourself?