Mar 20 2024 37 mins
At our core, we all want to belong and feel significant. When we have this perspective regarding our children and their same needs, it can change the way we parent and deal with challenges.
Today I'm talking about all of this with my sister-in-law, Alexis Gentry. There are so many great take aways from this episode. Take a listen!
Alexis Gentry, LCSW, is a Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, social worker, and mom of two who is committed to making a positive impact on the lives of parents and families. She believes in creating a nurturing and empowering environment for families through supporting perinatal mental health and Positive Discipline education.
Follow Alexis on IG@parenthoodpause
To connect with me, Alana Banana, follow on IG @TheAlanaBananaShow.
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