Inspired Grownups with Alana Banana

Sep 27 2024 128 ep. 31 mins 1
Inspired Grownups with Alana Banana Podcast artwork

I'm Alana Gentry, aka Alana Banana (children’s music artist & content creator for The Alana Banana Show). I love hanging out with kids but I also really love connecting with you, the Grownups. 

We all want the best for our kids and so much of that starts with how we treat ourselves. When we give ourselves permission to find and do the things we love each day, even if it's for a short amount of time, we feel better. When we feel better that influences those around us, especially the little one's in our lives. 

With my short solo episodes or conversations with other grownups, I hope to give you a boost of inspiration for your day, a new perspective and a reminder that we can create anything we want in our lives for ourselves and for our family.  Subscribe for weekly doses of inspiration and follow on Instagram @TheAlanaBananaShow