Oct 22 2024 9 mins
If you parent an adult child with OCD, you might think that your job is to protect your loved one from the pain associated with unmanaged OCD.
This is a suicide mission.
In this podcast episode, see the more effective way to make a positive difference when someone you love is learning to manage OCD.
Your secret weapon that will make the biggest difference for your loved one with OCD is forming a trusting relationship.
In this podcast episode you will find four tips to do that.
Listen to this podcast episode to learn more about stepping into the role of the empathic witness. My Top Tips for Helping a Loved One Manage OCD : https://www.freemefromocd.org/season-01-episode-42
Connect with Dr. Vicki Rackner:
- Website: FreeMeFromOCD.org
- Social Media: Follow Dr. Rackner on Instagram and Facebook for more insights and resources on managing OCD.